About books kindred spirits

No two people read the same story when they read the same book, a librarian told me once. You might have no idea why Anna Karenina behaves the way she does but identify with the questions Levin asks himself and the answers he finds. Or you might have no idea what Levin is talking about but feel Anna Karenina's passion easily.

I wonder if people who find the same elements of a story resonant--the same character, event, passage, idea--would find they have other favorite books in common?

In this blog, I will describe what's on those pages whose corners I fold down as I read, those passages that I remember so long after I've finished the book. I've chosen quotes that capture the idea or question or character that resonates for me and I've given a little background on myself to explain why I care about each quote.

If you identify with any of the passages I've chosen--and especially if you identify with them for the same reasons I do--I'd love to get your recommendation for other books I should try.

Caroline: replacingmiddlemarch [at] gmail.com